Washington DC Heritage Trail project

In October 2013, Dana Ellyn began her newest big painting project. She is using the Cultural Tourism DC Neighborhood Heritage Trail guides to inspire a new series of paintings. She has started with the Downtown Heritage Trail, "Civil War to Civil Rights" which begins just steps from the front door of her studio.

Dana Ellyn   www.danaellyn.com

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Mount Pleasant Heritage Trail 4. Sacred Heart Academy (16th & Park Road, NW)
The History of Snow

On the corner of 16th & Park Road used to stand the home of movie theater mogul Harry M. Crandall. Tragedy struck Crandall in 1922, when the roof of the Knickerbocker Theater at 18th and Columbia Road collapsed during a blizzard, killing 98 and injuring scores. This storm became known as the Knickerbocker storm and still stands as the biggest snow storm in the history of Washington DC.
The second largest storm in the history of Washington DC took place on February 5, 2010 ("Snowpocalypse") which is the day that Dana Ellyn and Matt Sesow got married at Long View Gallery.
The History of Snow
acrylic on canvas

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