Washington DC Heritage Trail project

In October 2013, Dana Ellyn began her newest big painting project. She is using the Cultural Tourism DC Neighborhood Heritage Trail guides to inspire a new series of paintings. She has started with the Downtown Heritage Trail, "Civil War to Civil Rights" which begins just steps from the front door of her studio.

Dana Ellyn   www.danaellyn.com

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Mount Pleasant Heritage Trail 9. Czech Row (Park & Klingle Roads, NW)

(from the guide): Park & Klingle Road NW: following the 1948 communist coup in Czechoslovakia, an enclave known as "Czech Row" developed in the 2000 block of Park Road. American Sokol, an offshoot of Czech fitness movement, offered activities for all neighborhood children. Sokol had particular meaning for Czech expats as it was banned in Czechoslovakia during both the Nazi and coummunist eras."
(Sokol is the slavic word for falcon.)
acrylic on canvas board

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