"31 Days in July" (2013)

This page features paintings from Dana Ellyn's "31 Days in July" project.
Started in July of 2003, Dana creates one new painting per day in response to the daily news
capturing each day of the month in a total of 31 unique paintings.
New paintings will be posted to this page as they are completed each day.

Dana Ellyn   www.danaellyn.com

"31 Days in July"

"31 Days in July"

"31 Days in July"

"31 Days in July"

"31 Days in July"

"31 Days in July"

"31 Days in July"

"31 Days in July"

"31 Days in July"

"31 Days in July"


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July 12, 2013:

Nuclear Watchdog

Inspired by:

On March 11, 2011 an earthquake and tsunami hit Japan and caused catastrophic damage to the Fukushima nuclear plant. It's being reported that there have been significant increases in recent months in levels of radioactive cesium in the groundwater, as well as strontium and tritium offshore. From VOA article: the head of the recently established Japan Nuclear Regulatory Authority, Shunichi Tanaka, acknowledges contaminated water has probably been continually leaking into the Pacific Ocean since the plant was swamped by a tsunami triggered by a magnitude nine earthquake on March 11, 2011. "The ocean continues to be contaminated to some extent, great or small," Tanaka said, adding that that while it peaked at the time of the disaster two years ago, he thinks it has been continuing even after that. READ entire article on VOA

Nuclear Watchdog
acrylic on canvas
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